The Story Unfolds: True Potential’s Annual Report 2015

Today, we’re delighted to be able to share our Annual Report for 2015. This is a product of ambition, determination and hard work over the past twelve months.

We would not be where we are today without our greatest asset, our people, therefore we’d like to take this opportunity to thank the groups and individuals who make this year’s report such an impressive read.

Entitled, ‘The Story Unfolds’, our Annual Report further confirms our position as one of the UK’s leading financial services and technology firms. The Report highlights results from across the True Potential Group in 2015, including: 

  • Turnover of £56.7 million
  • Profit of £12.4 million
  • 98% increase in the number of payments made through our world-first impulseSave®
  • Appeared in both the Deloitte Technology Fast 500 and UK Technology Fast 50
  • Over 86,000 registrations to our ‘Managing my Money and ‘Managing my Investments’ Courses in partnership with the Open University

A New Chapter

One of our most exciting developments as an organisation is a significant investment from U.S Private Equity firm, FTV Capital. This has cemented our reputation as an innovative and exciting company to be a part of, as they put their confidence in us to deliver on our objectives.

We’re pleased to welcome Kyle Griswold and Brad Bernstein of FTV Capital, along with their knowledge and expertise, on to our group board. This relationship is indicative of the value we attribute to the people who make our business great.

From our Board to our Head Office staff to the financial advisers and clients we interact with daily, we’re an organisation built on the expertise of many.

What’s Next?

Without the continued support of our stakeholders, our story would not have unfolded in the way that it has. We’ve made a fantastic start to 2016 and we’re looking forward with great anticipation for what is to come.

We’re delighted that your support continues and that you’ll be a part of the next chapter of our growth.

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